Some people in Chem? Oh, they love to talk about chemistry. They love to talk about their researches. They love to brag about the foreign universities they'll be going to once their contract as being an instructor ends. They love to brag about how much money they are making with their sidelines. They love their intellectual masturbation, exchanging chem questions left and right without any real objective but to hear the sound of their voices.
Some people in Chem? All they think about are their careers. All they think about is getting more recognition. If you ask them about their love life, they wouldn't know what you're talking about. If you ask them about their personal lives, they will scold you for focusing on such mundane things. If you ask them whether they are happy, they will tell you that there are more important things than that.
Some people in Chem? They don't seem to care whether the people around them are happy. They don't care whether you're okay, as long as you get your job done well. They don't ask about the things which make you fulfilled. All they want to know is whether you are on the right track to becoming a soulless scientist like them. All they want to know is whether you passed this exam or not.
Some people in Chem? Oh, they don't really care about teaching. They don't really care about the nobility of working for UP. All they see is money. All they see is that teaching is but a convenient stepping stone towards where they are going. They are not really teachers. Their passions lie elsewhere.
But I am in their world and I have to fit in with people like them. I have to understand that everyone is different and that each have their own goals, their own ideas of what is good and what is right.
Only sometimes I wish that they'd look outside once in a while and appreciate how blue the sky is.
Just once in a while, so that I can feel like I belong because I'm feeling lost, reader. I feel so lost in a crowd of others.