Why do you blog so often?
Because I want to preserve as many of my thoughts as I can while I can. From the frequency of me posting entries, you might say that I get to record a lot, but in reality I don't. There are a lot more things happening in my life than are written in here. From my approximations, I only get to record about 20% of those events and ideas I consider important.
Do you believe in privacy?
Yes, but if you are referring to my sexually related entries, I've already mentioned that my goal wasn't simply to "kiss and tell". I've had sexuality issues before and somehow, I want to help those who are in the same situation as I was. And have you ever read a whiff about me and D in that light?
What is your sexuality?
Chiyo's friend Peanuts actually helped me define clearly what I am, and what he said (indirectly), was that I should just stop trying to categorize myself since it will only make things more difficult for me. I will behave according to what I feel, and not according to how I should behave. But I am sure that I am not completely gay nor completely straight.
Some rumours say that you only used your past relationships as a cover for your homosexuality. What will you say to that?
Relationships are based on emotions, and those of us who are mature enough know that feelings do change, and still, perhaps some may say that I was wrong in hurting this person or that - all I can say is that I had a lot to learn and at that time, I acted the best way I could. No, I did not use them. I am not a very good actor, and I am not that mean.
Do you still love "Y"?
It is sad to think that we could have had it all and yet I let her go. I believe she knows how hard it was for me at that time, and if ever there was a chance we might still get together again I have to decline because we have already been there.
Do you still love "O"?
So many unfinished business? Our last conversation finally knocked me out of my senses. He's a git, and I'm way way way better than him. I was hurt because he denied his friendship, not his love. And right now, I really don't care about his friendship even. Why should I when he doesn't?
Do you love "Z"?
To be honest, our relationship is not at all perfect, but as I've said I've already learned how it is to be committed. I think about it often, and in the end, who I want to be is with my baby, no one else. Not even alpha. My baby is my baby - he loves me and I love him.
Why are you so close to your students?
I don't know. I believe that most of my colleagues are thinking that I'm already overdoing it. It is a spontaneous thing - when I teach, I am myself. I do not become a different person. And I see no bad in being close to them.
Do you want to be a writer?
Yes, but only for leisure. This is actually how I practice - through this blog.
Do you think you are wise enough to talk about life as you do in some of your entries?
These are merely my opinions and I am well aware that I may be wrong in some of my philosophies and personal beliefs. To each his own, and this is my blog remember. Besides, I am not as inexperienced about life as some of my younger readers, so I share what little lessons I've learned along the way.
Do you think you are a good person even if you have no religion?
All I know is that I try not to do to others what I do not want them to do to me. A scientist is able to expand his ideas more than some of those narrow-minded religious people.
This entry is not very significant. Why post?
I was browsing through J. K. Rowling's webpage and I was inspired by her own F. A. Q. section. And for another, I'm lonely tonight, and I've got nothing better to do but think and express myself as I always do during troubled times.
Why are you always so full of drama?
I don't know. I think it's in my genes. I don't always like it, but there it is...
But is there someplace far away, someplace where all is clear
Easy to start over with the ones you hold so dear
Or are you left to wonder, all alone, eternally
This isn't how it's really meant to be
No it isn't how it's really meant to be
Well they say that love is in the air, never is it clear
How to pull it close and make it stay
If butterflies are free to fly, why do they fly away
Leavin' me to carry on and wonder why
Was it you that kept me wondering through this life
When you know that I was always on your side