Wednesday, May 24, 2006


I've just watched X-Men 3: The Last Stand with Chiyo, and unlike most movies, that one got me into thinking. In there, the humans have discovered a cure for the mutant gene - something which can suppress its expression. The movie wasn't very clear on how (in fact, it didn't even explain). Too bad for me since I might have understood bits and pieces of the mechanism...

The point is the mutants were divided - some voluntarily went and took the cure. Others formed a picket line in front of the building where the cure was available - protesting that there was nothing to cure. That's the part which got me thinking. What if bisexuality can be cured? Will I take it or will I be holding a placard instead? A placard declaring that there is nothing to cure. (Well, I know I'm no X-Men... call me B-Men if you want.)

It is a difficult decision, honestly. Well, you cannot negate me since you do not have the same condition as I do. All my life, I've said, I wanted to be normal. But there is something with bisexuality that makes this person you know really me. It is already a part of my package. I may be given wit, a funny personality, creativity, but I have my insecurities, too, including my sexuality. I have accepted it as a part of me. It even makes my life interesting. Imagine, if I wasn't a bisexual, what would I write in here? I don't even know whether I'll turn to writing at all as my outlet. The bottomline - I will be less interesting. I will learn less about my life. I wouldn't be me. The me that I am now.

I have accepted my life as it is. Especially now when I am exploring the other side. I realize that it isn't that bad after all. I once believed that a normal man would marry, have children, etc. But now, it seems like I've begun to live in a different world. A world where your rules do not apply. A world wherein what matters is that you love each other, even if you're of the same sex. Where what matters isn't starting a family, it's just being with each other.

And so, if ever a cure for bisexuality was indeed found, I wouldn't take it. There is really nothing to cure.

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