Thursday, May 4, 2006


I was looking through the window, gazing at a scene from a nightmare. The sun shone brightly on naked ruins. On toppled buildings, skeletons of foundations. In one small fenced off area, surrounded by blocks of stone and iron, the devil was pacing back and forth upon an altar.

He scared me. How he looked, how he walked. Deliberately. Each step eating ground quickly. Never tiring. Confident with the knowledge that sooner or later, the walls fencing him in will falter. He was sure that he will come out eventually and he can't wait for it to happen. He scared me. And few things scare me these days. What will happen if he gets loose?

Despite that, there was something within me which challenged him to get loose. Dared him to. There was something within his evil which made me want to stare at him. Made me want to catch his eye and have a staring match.

The next thing I knew he was looking at me. Stared at me without blinking. His expressionless face fixed on me. Terrified, I made crosses with my fingers, with my arms to ward him off. No effect! I was caught in his stare. Helpless. Paralyzed. Prey.

The dream left me there. But the dread the devil left me did not. I know the devil too well. Too well to know his guises. He weakens me each day, but each night, when he's absent, I recharge myself. It's war the devil wants, and it's war I will give him. Needless to say, fighting him gets unbearable at times. But I will fight him, even if it costs me blood. God, please, give me strength. Just help me.

I'm a hunter from hell. Not the prey.

1 comment:

  1. Ancient. Uncertainty.

    (I woke up 3am today troubled with your dream.)

    The devil is at your doorstep. He has run away for now, but the devil will be back. (After all, we are in a war.) Not that the devil wants a war... but that the war has already begun. That altar endlessly looks for blood and sacrifice. True.

    (You may set up a defense & offense, if it pleases you. But how?)

    First, it isn't enough that you know God and believe in Him, for even demons believe in God - and tremble at His feet.

    Rather, this dream is an invitation for you to create a deeper relationship with the same God whom you ask for strength. Seek Him. Find rest in the one true God whom you believe in. Then, fight your battles with this devil. Ward him off victoriously over and over again - all in the Name and by the Blood of Christ. Indeed, if you are God's child, then you are victorious. Fight the good fight of faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called.
