Monday, May 8, 2006

Music Update: "Lovely" Lineup Finalized

08 May 2006, Manila
The much-awaited 2005-2006 Greatest Hits album from Electrique, "Lovely", finally has a complete lineup. Music compilation guru, Mr. Bryan Christian de la Isla, announced today in a public conference updates about his summer album. The album, as has been hinted, contains selected tracks form his latest three albums: "Eleven", "Back For More", and "Time Of My Life". "The final lineup is phenomenal," he says. "Once you listen to it, you'll play it until the end and it will leave you in a musical euphoria. It is, without doubt, the best album I have ever made."
Fans were intrigued about which songs from the previous albums made it to the final list. "You have to wait for the album to come out," Mr. de la Isla replied. "But I can safely disclose that I included 3 songs from "Eleven", and 4 songs each from the other two albums. There are 18 songs all in all, 7 of them new."
Like his previous albums, a lot of changes has been made before closing the lineup. "I have almost broken the rule that an artist couldn't have more than one entry." he adds. "In the end, like in other albums, the songs just magically fell into place."
Speculation about the number of songs included - 18 - brought on talk about the length of the included songs. Mr. de la Isla has been known to include as much songs per album, maxing it out up to 19 or 20 songs (with the sole exception, "Eleven" with just 11 tracks). When asked about this, the music guru replied, "Yes, the songs here are quite longer than in the other albums. I actually wanted it to have 19 songs but they wouldn't fit... I even planned it to be a double-CD collection because I had a hard time singling out songs from the past albums. However, I thought about the additional cost of producing such an album. And anyway, I didn't want it to be too long for the message I want to give to be lost to the listener."
""Lovely" is quite on a different plane, comparing it with the others," he continues. "If you like pop much, you might be disappointed. This is my most alternative-sounding compilation. Almost all the songs are guitar and strings led. "Lovely" is more musically-solid than "Eleven", livelier than "Back For More", and more synchronized than "Time Of My Life", The songs here are, indeed, the best of the best songs, both aesthetically and lyrically. It's really really good, I can't have enough of it," he shares amidst wild and manic cheering from the people present.
When asked about the feel of the album, he replies, "I used the tried-and-tested formula here. I followed slow tracks with faster ones, so listeners won't be bogged down by emotion. Unfortunately for the previous albums, that wasn't applicable, so I haven't used it before. The technique just produced perfect results for this one. It starts with a song from my favorite band and ends with... no, it would be a giveaway if I told you that," he laughs. "It's balanced and easy to listen to. Enough talk, guys. I have plans to make and funds to raise," he ends, with a tumultuous uproar from the press people.
Electrique reports that the album's target release date is this May, before the end of the summer classes, if enough funds are available. A special edition of "Time Of My Life" is also being planned to be released at the same time due to insistent demand from fans who were not able to obtain a copy of the album. A different cover for "Time Of My Life - Special Edition" may also be used. Electrique confirms that the layout for "Lovely" is not yet finished, but should be so this weekend. (RIOTERS)

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